Last Version 1.5 (released 16 July, 2010)
Version 1.4 (released 29 June, 2010)
Version 1.3 (released 19 June, 2010)
Version 1.2 (released 17 June, 2010)
Version 1.1 (released 14 June, 2010)
Version 1.0 (released 10 June, 2010)
Release 1.5
? Add Media button fixed
? Allow url fopen isssue fixed (no more needed)
? New theme options navigation
? No more jQuery conflict with prototype and other libraries
Other Preview Links
? Light Version (with unique Fader-Mover Slider)
? Dark Light Version
? Dark with background
Short Product Description
Andromeda is a clean theme with functional CMS and unique features. A massive pack of backend CMS options was created for this product to give you full control while creating and editing the site and its features. The main idea behind this theme was to create a something clean and simple, useful, nice looking and easy to modify.
Andromeda comes with three sliders equipped with full CMS options that allow you to easy create slides, add image descriptions and create links. Two sliders are designed for the main page – you can choose here: Unique Fader/Mover with special floating descriptions or Accordion Slider (available from version 1.4). To see how Accordion Slider is working go to Andromeda main Live Preview. Homepage Fader/Mover slider is presented on “Light Version” demo (check other preview links above). Third slider called as Featured Slider is optional. It is a smaller version of Fader/Mover Slider created for use on all other pages.
Thanks to CMS options, like for example auto resizing tool for small thumbs, creating slides and posts is simple and very fast process. In CMS you will find also special options for Main Menu, Services, Homepage, and a big set of General options. With this theme it is possible to create portfolio, galleries, contact page, full width page. It is also possible to create multiple sidebars, multiple blogs or even multiple services pages. Services page can be used for products or services demonstration, or for any other application that you will find useful. And there are more options and features, like for example easy background changer, very useful styles buttons in HTML editor, custom Andromeda widgets and tag map.
Key product features
- 3 Skins: Light Grey, Dark Grey and Mixed
- 6 custom option modules (general, home, menu, main slider, featured slider and services)
- 12 widgets (8 custom) and unlimited sidebars
- 8 page templates
- accordion slider
- new unique Fader/Mover slider (main slider and optional featured slider)
- full control over sliders via CMS Options
- NextGEN gallery integration
- unlimited portfolios, galleries, blogs and services functionality
- working ajax contact form
- automatic thumbnail resizing tool (for posts and sliders)
- custom HTML Editor Buttons with Theme Styles
- extensible adaptable CMS , high efficient OO architecture
- extensive documentation PDF file included
- tested in all browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera, IE7 and IE8 .
Page templates
- Homepage
- Services
- Tag Map
- Sidebar Page
- Blog
- Full Width
- Portfolio
- Contact
Sidebar widgets
- 125×125 Advertisement
- 255x Big Advertisement
- Pages
- Categories
- Archives
- Links
- Recent Posts
- Featured Posts
- Search
- Gallery
- Tag Cloud
- Text
Other Andromeda features
- Text and image styles for easy content creation
- Dropdown Menu, improved with jQuery
- Gallery with Lightbox 2
- Working AJAX /PHP contact form
Restrictions and recommendations
- Sliders must have at least two slides to work properly
- This theme requires PHP 5 .0
- We recommend use of WordPress version 2.9.2 or 3.0
External scripts and resources used
- Lightbox 2 plugin
- In live preview we used some great photos from authors: Mark J. Sebastian, Josh Liba, Tim Wang, Brianna Lehman, w?odi, Tony Chen, jmcmichael, Juan E De Cristofaro
Thank you for reading

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